Celebrating culture and recognition

Celebrating culture and recognition

Agency News

Girl dancing in motion at the Bleach Festival

Gold Coast winter mornings can get pretty chilly but you have a few options to warm yourself up; wear a thick scarf, have a nice hot cup of tea or just get some great news from the Australian Marketing Institute.

You guessed right — we’ve done the third. And the news is, Australia’s leading professional marketing association has nominated us for the 2017 Awards for Marketing Excellence.

What makes us proud to spill the news even more is that our work for Bleach* Festival 2017 has brought us the nomination in the Not for Profit Marketing category.

Being right there from the get-go in 2012, we know the Bleach* Festival inside-out. But a loyal partner-agency comes with its own challenges — having to reimagine the look and feel of the festival each year, communicating its evolution as the city’s peak cultural event. Luckily, big challenges and ambition is what our team is driven by.

So what was so special about our work for Bleach* Festival in 2017?

The Bleach* Festival program explored the relationship between sport and art — emotion and motion. In both sport and art we experience profound and transformational moments that create life long memories and connections to our greater sense of humanity. From this, we developed a creative and visual approach that spanned art and sport through the use of aerial performances, captured with high-speed cameras, enhanced in post-production. This exciting creative approach provided an evocative visual style for the Festival that’s distinct while being abstract enough to allow individual interpretation — building intrigue and excitement.

Knowing we’re helping build the Gold Coast’s cultural identity and creative industry is rewarding enough, but another award wouldn’t hurt, right?

We’ll see you in October, Melbourne!

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